Graham, Amanda, Sara McPhee-Knowles, and David Silas. “Yukon: Adapting to Growth and Change.” In State of Rural Canada 2024: Inclusive and Sustainable Futures for Rural and Northern Communities. (pp. 40–49). Edited by Patrick Brouder, Joelena Leader, and Emalee Vandermale. Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation, 2024.
Graham, Amanda, Gord Curran, and Kari Johnston. “Yukon.” In State of Rural Canada 2021: Opportunities, Recovery, and Resiliency in Changing Times. (pp. 112-119). Edited by Kyle Rich, Heather Hall, and Grace Nelson. Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation, 2021.
Bauberger, Nicole and Amanda Graham. “Needle, Bead and Voice: Learning about Yukon First Nations Traditional Sewing from Mrs. Annie Smith and Ms. Dianne Smith.” Synnyt/Origins: Finnish Studies in Art Education 1/2019 (February): 123-132. Available from https://wiki.aalto.fi/download/attachments/151504259/Synnyt-Origins_9_Arctic_arts_Bauberger_Graham.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1558607602776&api=v2
Coates, Ken, and Amanda Graham. 3.1 Yukon. In State of Rural Canada Report, edited by Breen Markey, Gibson Lauzon, and Mealy Ryser, 79-84. n.p. Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation / Fondation canadienne pour la revitalisation rurale, 2015. Publisher’s Version
Barnes, Karen, and Amanda Graham. Yukon College Editorial—Poised for the Next Step: University, no. 40 (2015): 3-8. Publisher’s Version

Graham, Amanda. The University Project in the Canadian North, 1964 to 2014. Historical Studies in Education / Revue d’histoire de l’éducation 27, no. 1 (2015): 80-98. Publisher’s Version
Graham, Amanda. Teaching the North: The Curious Business of Being Inside-out. Canadian Issues / Thèmes canadiens (2013). Canadian Issues PDF
Original Version PDF
Graham, Amanda. “Appendix 9: IPY Timeline 1997–2010.” Edited by Igor Krupnik and Nicola Munro. In Understanding Earth’s Polar Challenges: International Polar Year 2007-2008, Summary by the IPY Joint Committee. University of the Arctic Publication Series Number 4. Edited by Igor Krupnik, Ian Allison, Robin Bell, Paul Cutler, David Hik, Jerónimo López-Martínez, Volker Rachold, Eduard Sarukhanian and Colin Summerhayes. Rovaniemi, FI: University of the Arctic and Edmonton, CA: CCI Press (printed version), and ICSU/WMO Joint Committee for International Polar Year 2007–2008, 2011. Available from https://www.scar.org/library/scar-publications/occasional-publications/3505-understanding-earth-s-polar-challenges/
Graham, Amanda. “In the North, For the North, By the North: The Extraordinary Vision of Aron Senkpiel for the Betterment of the North Through Education.” The Northern Review, no. 27 (2007): 110-123. Publisher’s Version
Ogden, Aynslie and Amanda Graham. Emphasizing Climate Change: Planning for Flexible Advanced Study at the University of the Arctic. Paper prepared for the 8th Circumpolar Universities Association Conference, Whitehorse, Yukon, 7–9 November 2003
Korsmo, Fae, and Amanda Graham. Research in the North American North: Action and Reaction. Arctic 55, no. 4 (2002): 319-328. Publisher’s Version
Graham, Amanda. “Doing Research.” Weathering Change: Newsletter of the Northern Climate ExChange. (Winter 2002): 8. Available at Internet Archive Wayback Machine: https://web.archive.org/web/20070221112031/http://www.taiga.net:80/nce/resources/newsletters/NCE_Newsletter_Winter2002.pdf
Graham, Amanda, and Maureen Long. Some Trends in Northern Studies Undergraduate Course Offerings at Canadian Universities. In Circumpolar Universities Cooperation Conference. Luleå, SW: Luleå University of Technology, 1997. PDF
Graham, Amanda. “Seats of Learning, Centres of Conflict: Contradictory Expectations of Northern Universities.” Proceedings of the Fourth Circumpolar Universities Cooperation Conference, Prince George, 1995. Edited by Shauna McLarnon and Douglas Nord. Prince George, BC: University of Northern British Columbia, 1997: 12–27.
Graham, Amanda. Reflections on Contemporary Northern Canadian History. Essays in Canadian Writing, no. 59 (1996): 182.
Graham, Amanda. The University that Wasn’t: The University of Canada North, 1970-1985. Department of History, Lakehead University, 1994.
Graham. Amanda. Indexing the Canadian North: Broadening the Definition . The Northern Review, no. 6 (1990): 21-37. Publisher’s Version