Professional Engineering Licensure

Opus DaytonKnight Consultants Limited, Whitehorse, Yukon, 2012-2016

Four years industry practice, overseen by a licensed professional engineer, that met requirements for engaging in the practice of professional engineering. Confirmed by a competency-based assessment at completion.

            Area of practice:         Drinking Water System Design

            Supervisor:                  Carol Campbell, P.Eng.

Bachelor of Applied Science, Systems Design Engineering (Co-op) with Honours

University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, 2007-2012

Terminal degree required for professional engineering licensing and water and wastewater operator certification and instruction. Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board accredited degree.

            Publication:     Global Mars Multiscale Model water cycle validation using results from the Phoenix Mars lander mission

            (Published under maiden name: Maksymchak)

            Supervisor:      Dr. Victoria Hipkin


Licensed Professional Engineer, Engineers Yukon

2016 to present

Licensed Professional Engineer, Engineers and Geoscientists British Columbia

2016 to 2022

Certified Water Professional, Environmental Operators Certification Program

2018 to present

Project Management Professional, Project Management Institute

2020 to 2023


  • Drinking water system design and operation in northern climates
  • Equity, diversity, and inclusion as a means for driving innovation and advances in technical professional practice
  • Skills transfer between operators and engineers through hands-on co-training


Instructor, Water and Wastewater Operator, Yukon University, 2018 – present.

  • Instruction in all modalities: on-line, in-person, hybrid, synchronous, asynchronous, laboratory and fieldwork
  • Courses taught:
    • Basic Small Water Systems Operations
    • Bulk Water Delivery
    • SCADA and Control Systems in Yukon – Intro
    • Math Review for Small Water Systems and Bulk Water Delivery
    • Bulk Water Delivery Refresher
  • Courses designed:
    • SCADA and Control Systems in Yukon – Intro
    • Small Water System Operator Lab
    • Water Treatment Level 1&2 Asynchronous Online
    • Disinfection: Hypochlorites, Chlorine Gas, UV, Ozone and Chemical Handling
    • Bulk Water Delivery Refresher
    • Leading and Managing in Public Operations 2: Project Management
    • Development and Use of Operator Tools: ERP, MMP and SOPs
    • Managing for Climate Change Impacts on Water and Wastewater Systems
  • Courses redesigned:
    • Cross Connection Control Awareness
    • Basic Small Water Systems Operations
    • Bulk Water Delivery
  • Advising students: providing holistic support to students as they navigate their education and certification journeys
  • Building relationships with communities and operators to support First Nation students (approximately 50% of students are First Nation)
  • Class preparation


Co-Principal Investigator, Engineers Yukon, 2022-present

  • Mitacs grant and industry-funded, $30,000 research project in partnership with Concordia University titled Impact of Caregiving as a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Category
  • Evaluating the impact of recent changes to the Engineers Yukon CPD program:
    • conduct a literature review on non-traditional CPD programs, skills developed by caregivers, and their applicability to engineering
    • interview engineers from the Yukon who engaged in caregiving and submitted (or not) caregiving CPD hours to develop a richer understanding of impact of the caregiving category
    • develop a methodology and data collection plan for evaluating the impact of the caregiving category
    • apply the method, complete data analysis and present the results
    • provide recommendations for future program modification and evaluation
  • Co-author on three academic publications with estimated completion dates in summer 2023

Principal Investigator, Yukon University, 2022-present

  • Studying the impact of co-training between engineering students and water operator students in partnership with Carleton University
  • Pilot program completed in March 2023, with a Carleton University Master’s student co-training with Yukon University water operator students
  • Preparing grant applications for larger-scale program implementation and research in 2023-24 and beyond
  • Co-author on future publication

Instructor, Water and Wastewater Operator, Yukon University, 2021-2023

  • Innovation in pedagogy: design and acquisition of the Mobile Water Treatment Plant and program design to enable hands-on skill transfer in a real-world environment

Presenter, Yukon Government Annual Industry Conference, 2018.

  • Presentation topic: Yukon Women in Trades and Technology

Presenter, Simon Fraser University Creating Connections Conference, 2019

  • Presentation topic: Innovation Driven by Diversity

Associate Chair for Women in Science and Engineering, Yukon College, 2018-2019

  • Secured NSERC and industry funding to create the WWEST Associate Chair Program at Yukon College
  • Researched, wrote and published Current state of women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) in Yukon
  • Chaired the WWEST Associate Chair Program at Yukon College until starting a new position at Yukon College

Presenter, British Columbia Water and Waste Association Yukon Conference, 2018

  • Presentation topic: Taking Care of your Drinking Water

Presenter, Yukon Teachers’ Association Territory-Wide Conference, 2018

  • Presentation topic: Supporting Girls in Science and Math

Presenter, Yukon Government Annual Industry Conference, 2018

  • Presentation topic: Gender Diversity in Yukon Trades and Engineering

Principal Investigator, Yukon College CubeSat project, 2017-2018

  • Completed the successful Canadian Space Agency grant application for the $476,000 project
  • Formed partnership with University of Alberta and Aurora College
  • Led the project until starting a new position at Yukon College

Bachelor’s Degree Candidate, University of Waterloo, 2009.

  • Completed data analysis, co-authored a publication: Global Mars Multiscale Model water cycle validation using results from the Phoenix Mars lander mission


Member, British Columbia Water and Waste Association Yukon Conference Planning Committee, 2022-present

  • Member of regional committee planning industry conference in Yukon

Director of the Board, Engineers Canada, 2021-present

  • Director of national organization advancing Canadian engineering through national collaboration

Circuit Rider Training Program, Yukon University, 2021-2022

  • Creation of terms of reference to guide new program delivery at Yukon University to support First Nation water and wastewater operators throughout the Yukon Region
  • Secured long-term funding to enable the creation of a new full-time staff position at Yukon University

Water and Wastewater Operator Program, Yukon University, 2018-present

  • Relationship building and program development resulting in a 50% increase in number of courses offered, a 38% increase in number of student registrations and a 48% increase in registration revenue

Member and Chair, Engineers Yukon 30 by 30 Committee, 2016-present

  • Member of regional committee working to increase diversity and inclusion in the engineering profession
  • Committee Chair in 2017


Branch Manager

Opus International Consultants (Canada) Limited, Whitehorse, Yukon, 2016–2017

  • Managed and implemented multi-stakeholder, multi-disciplinary and multi-year water infrastructure projects

Assistant Project Engineer

Opus DaytonKnight Consultants Limited, Whitehorse, Yukon, 2012–2016

  • Performed project management, contract administration, design, commissioning, start-up, inspection, and operational guidance for a variety of water and waste infrastructure projects for Municipal, Federal, Territorial and First Nation clients
  • Completed water system permitting and classification processes through Environmental Health Services and Environmental Operators Certification Program (EOCP) and assisted system owners and operators to create training and certification plans


Operational Guidance:

  • Mayo Water Treatment Plant
  • Liard First Nation Water Treatment Plant
  • Haines Junction Pumphouses
  • Lower Post Water Treatment Plant
  • Tagish Water Treatment Plant

Project Manager, Design and Construction:

  • Mendenhall Water Treatment Plant
  • Watson Lake Water Treatment Plant (Design)
  • City of Whitehorse Well 4N Bypass Chamber and Electrical Works
  • City of Whitehorse Porter Creek RTU Replacement
  • Mayo Water Treatment Plant Upgrades (Controls, SCADA and Commissioning)
  • Lower Post Water Treatment Plant Upgrades

Project Engineer, Design and Construction:

  • City of Whitehorse Selkirk Pump Station Replacement
  • Faro Phase III – Pump House and Disinfection Building
  • Rock Creek Water Treatment System
  • Carcross Water System Upgrades