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Staples K, Walker V. Volunteer Benevoles Yukon. In: Care, Cooperation and Activism in Canada’s Northern Social Economy. First. Edmonton: The University of Alberta Press ; 2016. pp. 195-214. Publisher’s Version
Southcott C, Walker V. A Portrait of the Social Economy of Northern Canada. In: Northern Communities Working Together. First. Toronto: University of Toronto Press ; 2015. pp. 21-51. Publisher’s Version
McKitrick A, Wulff S, Acton H, Bussieres D, Miller N, Mook L, Walker V. The Academic/Practitioner Divide – Fact or Fiction? Reflections on the Role of the Lead Staff Personnel. In: Community-University Research Partnerships: Reflections on the Canadian Social Economy Experience. Victoria: University of Victoria ; 2011. pp. 205-236. Publisher’s Version
Southcott C, Walker V, Natcher D, Alsop J, Jeans T, Falvo N. Researching the Social Economy in Canada’s North: Reflections on the Node Partnerships and Processes. In: Community-University Research Partnerships: Reflections on the Canadian Social Economy Experience. Victoria: University of Victoria ; 2011. pp. 181-204. Publisher’s Version
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