Yukon University Research Ethics Coordination
This work involves activities relating to research compliance requirements and the ethical conduct of research involving human participants or the use of animals. There are additional details about these requirements on the Yukon University Research Services webpages.
- Research Ethics
Yukon University follows the research ethics standards established by the Tri-Council Policy Statement (TCPS2) 2022. All research involving human participants that is connected with Yukon University must be reviewed by the Yukon University Research Ethics Board (YukonU REB).
- Animal Care and Use Program
Yukon University is certified by the Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC) and therefore must adhere to the policy and guidelines of these program. This is ensured through the operations of the YukonU Animal Care Committee (ACC).
Coordination of Yukon University administered SSHRC funded research programs
- Resources and Sustainable Development in the Arctic (ReSDA) Program (Operational from 2012-2017)
ReSDA has a number of research projects that are completed or in progress. They are organized in themes focused on sustainable regions, communities, cultures and environment. The projects cover a wide range of topics including Impact Benefit Agreements (IBA’s), community wellness, socio-economic indicators, labour mobility, resource royalties, sovereign wealth funds, gender relationships, subsistence economy and traditional knowledge. There is a full list of the projects with details on the ReSDA website at www.resda.ca/research-projects. - Social Economy Research Network of Northern Canada (2007-2012)