I’m a postdoctoral fellow within the Northern Mine Remediaton Research Program.
After defending my Ph.D. in Earth and Environmental Science in 2018 in Paris, I moved to Chicago to work at Northwestern University as a postdoctoral fellow. I then moved to Hamburg in Germany to work as a beamline scientist at the Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron. After two years in Europe, I decided to move back to North America and more specifically Canada!
My work focused on the fate of metals and metalloids in the environment and their interactions with water and soils’ constituents. I specialized over the years in synchrotron-related techniques, especially to study the impact of bacterial biofilm, wildfire, or oxygen on metals’ speciation.
At YukonU, I aim to better understand the capacity of biological and chemical processes to limit metals’ release in the environment in cold climate.
When not at the lab, I’m an outdoor and craft enthusiast who enjoys hiking and scrapbooking.