CGU-HS Committee on River Ice Processes and the Environment (CRIPE) Membership (Since 2013)
- Current Secretary (since 2013)
- Co-organizer of Workshops in Quebec City (2015), Whitehorse (2017) and Ottawa (2019)
- Member of the Working Group on Ice-Induced Flood Delineation
- Leader of the Working Group on the Impact of Climate Change on Ice-affected Channels
- Co-leader of the Working Group on cold regions hydrometry
- Expert adviser on river ice projects
Courses and keynote presentations
- Winter hydrometry and ice signature in water level data sets (May 2019)
- Impact of climate change on ice processes (May 2019)
- Rivers and streams in winter: the love-hate relationship of water and ice, Yukon Science Institute (Dec. 2018)
- River ice hydrology and hydraulics, Department of Forestry, Université Laval (Feb. 2017)
- Floods and damage caused by river ice, QuebecMinistry of Public Security (Feb. 2016)
- Ice-induced flood risk, Natural Resources Canada and Public Safety Canada, Ottawa (Nov. 2015)
- Steep Channel Ice Processes and their Relative Importance in Cold Regions Hydrology, Cold Regions Research Engineering Laboratory (CRREL), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Mar. 2015)
- River ice, EDS Institute, Université Laval, Quebec City (Mar. 2013)
- Winter hydrology, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (Oct. 2011 & 2012)
Member of Engineers Yukon (Since 2019)
Member of the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec (Since 2004)
Scientific paper reviews (about 25) for peer review journals (Since 2013)