The Relate North 10: Possible Futures Virtual Symposium and Exhibition was a collaboration between the University of the Arctic’s Arctic Sustainable Arts and Design Thematic Network (ASAD), the Yukon School of Visual Arts (Yukon University), and the University of Lapland.
The Relate North Virtual Exhibition launched concurrently with the Relate North Virtual Research Symposium, (27-28 January, 2023) broadcast from the Ayamdigut campus of Yukon University, in Whitehorse, Yukon, on the traditional territories of the Ta’an Kwäch’än Council and the Kwanlin Dün First Nation. Every year, the Relate North Symposium & Exhibition attracts leading scholars and artists from around the circumpolar north to present research and debate issues of concern to arctic and subarctic regions through the lens of art and design. The tenth annual Relate North symposium was a platform to support relations between network partners to mobilise and share examples of what we know “works” at each of our specific sites. Participants discussed strategies for how to ethically and intentionally evolve our institutions, projects, and practices to align with, support, and enact the many possible futures that have already been envisioned in the Arctic.
The two-day research symposium included 18 presentations over 8 sessions with 35 presenters, representing Finland, Sweden, Norway, Scotland (Shetland), Italy, England, Canada, and USA. It was opened by Yukon University’s Provost, Dr. Shelagh Rowles Dr. Lianne Charlie, a Yukon-based academic in Indigenous Governance, was the Relate North Symposium’s keynote speaker.
The Relate North 10 Virtual Exhibition included projects from across the circumpolar Arctic that engaged with the theme Possible Futures. Arctic communities are at the forefront of imagining alternative futures in a rapidly changing present. Across the ASAD Network there are many examples of initiatives actively working towards creating alternatives; from land-based educational projects to the inclusion of Indigenous language and cultural revitalization programming, to collaborations between community-led arts-based researchers and scientists. A website was built for the Virtual Exhibition by ULapland and hosted the works of 18 artists representing 6 circumpolar countries. Additionally, the video works of three art on site at the Yukon School of Visual Arts.
The exhibition can be viewed here: https://blogi.eoppimispalvelut.fi/rn10exhibition/
The Relate North 10 logo was adapted from a sculpture by Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in artist Jackie Olson. Concentric circles are an important symbol to Hän-speaking people, who have lived along the Yukon River for millennia.
A limited edition Relate North Exhibition Catalogue, designed by Yukon artist Amy Ball, was printed and distributed to all participants.

Relate North Virtual Research Symposium
28-29 January, 2023
broadcast from the Ayamdigut campus of Yukon University, in Whitehorse, Yukon.
The two-day research symposium included 8 sessions with 35 presenters, representing Finland, Sweden, Norway, Scotland (Shetland), Italy, England, Canada, and USA. Recordings of the Relate North Symposium can be viewed here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeFNoTpQ8Bpu2ADUj3Y9D1OSvuRi3dYU7
Relate North Virtual Exhibition
28 January, 2023 – 28 April, 2023
Exhibition can be viewed here: https://blogi.eoppimispalvelut.fi/rn10exhibition/
The Relate North Virtual Exhibition platform was designed by Mari Parpala
On-Site Relate North Screening
Yukon School of Visual Arts, Dawson City, Yukon, Canada
February 2023
Featuring film works by Annie Procee (Yukon), Elena Mazzi (Italy), and Timo Jokela (Finland)
Relate North Virtual Exhibition Catalogue
Available in print and as a PDF
Designed by Yukon artist Amy Ball
Relate North: Possible Futures book
Forthcoming, November 2024
Relate North is an English language, peer-reviewed publication dedicated to the exploration and sharing of contemporary practices in arts-based research and academic knowledge exchange in the fields of arts, design and visual culture education. As in previous volumes, the contents reflect the range of research and practice that is going in art and design in northern and Arctic countries.
See previous books in the Relate North series: https://www.asadnetwork.org/publications.html
Relate North: Possible Futures book launch
At the 2023 Relate North Symposium & Exhibition onsite in Umeå, Sweden.
Staff Exchange from Yukon to Sweden
The RN Symposium led to the establishment of meaningful new research relationships and directions for future collaboration shared between ASAD network partners, and especially between the Yukon and the Scandinavian partners. Funds initially allocated for Partner travel to Relate North in Umea, Sweden were used towards Project Lead Aubyn O’Grady visiting Umea to take part in the ASAD Network’ s LiLA Field School in May 2023.
Project Funders
Thanks to the Global Arctic Leadership Initiative at Memorial University for their generous financial support with the Indigenous and Northern Relationship Development Fund, administered by the Harris Centre.