Peer-reviewed publications
Esteve, C., Audet, P., Schutt, D., Aster, R., Schaeffer, A., and Cubley, J.F. 2025. Structure, origin and deformation of the lithosphere in the northern Canadian Cordillera from high resolution, passive-source seismic velocity models. in Ruppert, N.A., Jadamec, M.A. and Freymueller, J.T. (eds.), Tectonics and Seismic Structure of Alaska and Northwestern Canada: EarthScope and Beyond. Geophysical Monograph Series. Wiley, 656 p. ISBN: 978-1-394-19591-6.
Hansen, V., Sabo, A., Korn, J., MacLean, D., Riget, F.F., Clausen, D.S., and Cubley, J.F. 2023. Indoor radon survey in Yukon and dose assessment. Journal of Radiological Assessment, v. 43(1). https:/
Schutt, D.L., Porritt, R., Esteve, C., Audet, P., Gosselin, J., Schaeffer, A.J., Aster, R.C., Freymueller, J.T., and Cubley, J.F. 2023. Lithospheric S-wave velocity variations beneath the Mackenzie Mountains and Northern Canadian Cordillera. Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR) – Solid Earth, 128(1), e2022JB025517.
Bolton, A.R., Schutt, D.L., Aster, R.C., Audet, P., Schaeffer, A.J., Esteve, C., Freymueller, J.T. and Cubley, J.F. 2022. Evidence for asthenospheric flow rotation in northwest Canada: insights from shear wave splitting. Geophysical Journal International, 228(3): 1780-1792.
Pattison, D.R.M., Moynihan, D.P., McFarlane, C.R.M., Simony, P.S. & Cubley, J.F. (2020) Field guide to the geology, metamorphism and tectonics of the Foreland and Omineca belts of SW Alberta and SE British Columbia. Geological Association of Canada Field Guide Series 2020-A, 257 pages.
Audet, P., Schutt, D.L., Schaeffer, A.J., Esteve, C., Aster, R.C., and Cubley, J.F. 2020. Moho variations across the northern Canadian Cordillera. Seismological Research Letters, 91(6): 3076-3085.
Esteve, C., Audet, P., Schaeffer, A.J., Schutt, D., Aster, R.C., and Cubley, J.F. 2020. Seismic evidence for craton chiseling and displacement of lithospheric mantle by the Tintina Fault in the Northern Canadian Cordillera. Geology, 48(11): 1120-1125.
Esteve, C., Audet, P., Schaeffer, A.J., Schutt, D., Aster, R.C., and Cubley, J.F. 2020. The upper mantle structure of northwestern Canada from teleseismic body wave tomography. Journal of Geophysical Research – Solid Earth, 125(2).
Baker, M.G., Heath, D.C., Schutt, D.L., Aster, R.C., Cubley, J.F. and Freymueller, J.T. 2020. The Mackenzie Mountains EarthScope Project: Studying active deformation in the Northern North American Cordillera from margin to craton. Seismological Research Letters, 91(1): 521-532.
Samolczyk, M.A., Vallance, J.W., Cubley, J.F., Osborn, G.D. and Clark, D.H. 2016. Geochemical characterization and dating of R tephra, a post-glacial tephra marker bed in Mount Rainier National Park, Washington, U.S.A. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 53(2): 202-217.
Israel, S., Colpron, M., Cubley, J., Moynihan, D., Murphy, D.C., and Relf, C. 2015. The Bear Creek assemblage: A latest Triassic volcano-sedimentary succession in southwest Yukon. In MacFarlane, K.E., Nordling, M.G.and Sack, P.J. (eds.) Yukon Exploration and Geology 2014. Yukon Geological Survey, p. 99-112.
Israel, S., Colpron, M., Cubley, J., Moynihan, D., Murphy, D.M., and Relf, C., 2014. Preliminary bedrock geology of the Mt. Decoeli area (parts of NTS 115A/12, 13 and 115B/9, 16). Yukon Geological Survey, Open File 2014-18. Scale 1:50 000.
Cubley, J.F., Pattison, D.R.M., Archibald, D.A., and Jolivet, M. 2013. Thermochronological constraints on the Eocene exhumation of the Grand Forks complex, British Columbia, based on 40Ar/39Ar and apatite fission track geochronology. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 50: 576-598.
Cubley, J.F., Pattison, D.R.M., Tinkham, D.K., and Fanning, C.M. 2013. U-Pb geochronological constraints on the timing of episodic regional metamorphism and rapid high-T exhumation of the Grand Forks complex, British Columbia. Lithos, 156: 241-267.
Cubley, J.F. and Pattison, D.R.M. 2012. Metamorphism and deformation of the Grand Forks complex: implications for the exhumation history of the Shuswap core complex, southern British Columbia. Canadian Journal of EarthSciences, 49(11): 1329-1363.
Cubley, J.F. 2012. Metamorphism and geochronology of the Grand Forks complex, British Columbia. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Calgary, Calgary Alberta, 422 pp.
Cubley, J.F. and Pattison, D.R.M. 2009. Pressure contrast across the Kettle River normal fault, British Columbia. Geological Survey of Canada Current Research, Paper 2009-9, 25p.
West, D.P., Jr., Hussey, A.M., II, Berry, H.N., IV, and Cubley, J.F. 2006. Bedrock geology of the Falmouth-Brunswick and central Maine sequences, Bowdoinham quadrangle, southern Maine, in D.G. Gibson, J. Daly, and D. Reusch, editors, 98th New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference Guidebook, p. 43-56. .pdf
West, D.P., Jr. and Cubley, J.F. 2006. Bedrock Geology of the Bowdoinham 7.5′ Quadrangle, Maine: Maine Geological Survey Map 06-54, Scale 1:24,000, 17 p. report. .pdf