DIY Lecture Capture, at 44th College Chemistry Canada Conference, Toronto ON, Saturday, May 27, 2017
- Lecture capture (recording class proceedings to post online) does not need to involve expensive specialized equipment and software. With the goal of providing students multiple ways to access and review class content I have been experimenting with DIY (Do It Yourself) lecture capture in my classes using common off-the-shelf electronics and inexpensive/free software. Without a large financial investment, videos can be produced in both a “picture-in-picture” style as well as a simpler screen-recording style. This presentation will describe the equipment, software, and workflow involved with making these videos as well as highlight some of the advantages and disadvantages of these methods.
Wizard Oil? Science in the age of social media, at Yukon Science Institute, Whitehorse YT, Sunday, December 11, 2016