Speaking Credentials 
general ornithological topics, bird survival strategies, and taught introductory biology and conservation biology, northern natural history for 15 years

Fellow, Arctic and Alpine com. (NSERC) PhD research
MSc (zool) Univiersity of BC
BSc (2H) University of Manitoba

Professional Experience 
25 years as the Management Biologist with Yukon government: principally non-game and endangered species management, 15 years as a biology instructor, Yukon College, University transfer program

Long service award, COSEWIC
Biodiveristy Achievement Award, Yukon
Couture Stewardshop Award, Yukon

original member COSEWIC, CITES(endangered species commmittees, Canada)
— 275 reports, publications

Ornithological Soc of North America — Raptor Research Foundation
Yukon Wildlife Preserve Board of directors
Alaska Bald Eagle foundation, research committee

Community Involvement 
Yukon Conservation Society
Canadian Parks and Wilderness Soc, Yukon
Yukon Wildlife Preserve
Yukon Bird Club